Saturday, October 26, 2013

Car labs

Hey guys! My fourth post... Sorry for not posting as much as I should be doing. Okay, so today I'm going to be discussing the car labs my class did on Friday. First off, we were supposed to measure the distance of how far our toy car would go in the selected amount of time we chose. We decided to measure how far our car would go every 5 seconds. (mode of car= slow) The amount of time doesn't really matter, some groups did 10 seconds. Keep this in mind though, you cannot stop the car, it has to go all in one run. We recorded at least 5 measurements for our data. Process of our experiment: My group put a long strip of tape on the ground, so we could mark the measurements. We also put a meter stick next to it, so at the end, we could measure how far each mark was away from the reference point (location of where the car started at). I located the car in the middle (between meter stick and strip of tape) and then clicked the on button, as Roxy (group member) timed the toy car. While she was keeping track of the time, she told Joanna (other group member) to mark down the measurements on the tape for every 5 seconds.

Car lab #1
 notes that I jot down

As you can see, our data is pretty accurate comparing to what we should've really gotten. We also did the 5% rule and ours passed.

Car lab #2 wasn't much difference. It was pretty much the samething, except our toy car started 50 cm away from the reference point.

Car lab #2
Our second data was also pretty accurate, except for the last measurement, which was off by 10.
Reflections: I actually had a pretty fun time doing this experiment. My group and I cooperated very well together and didn't really have any complications. I think time was only one because we weren't give so much.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Jennifer! I think your blog is super creative and really helpful. I liked reading about the Car Lab and finding out what you thought about it. I especially liked this post a lot because you posted pictures of your notes. This is not only helpful, but it also gives the reader something to look at after he or she is done reading. I also liked the 'Reflection' because I was able to see what you thought about the lab and compare it to my own feelings about it. The only thing that I think you might need to improve on is the spelling. I only saw about two errors, and I understand because I sometimes make the same mistakes. It was nice to see what you did in Lab #2 because my group was asked to do something different. I actually felt the same way about this Lab as you did; according to your reflection. Overall, I think this post is very helpful and interesting. I also like the way that your blog is set up, and the colors of it are pretty. Great job!
