Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Re-upload: Direct, Indirect, Proportional & Inverse

Hey guys, this is my second post! I hope you enjoy reading it! During my physics class, we discussed about direct, indirect and proportional relations. A direct relation is when x increases, then y also increases or if one decreases, then the other also decreases. The numbers do not have to be constant, meaning if x increases by 2, then y can increase by 3. They don't have to increase or decrease by the same number. We also said that the line on the graph would be linear and consistent. It does not always have to pass the origin.
The meaning of indirect obviously means not direct. For an indirect relation, we came up with, as x increases, then y would decrease or vice versa. The numbers also do not have to be constant. The line would be a negative slope.

Proportional would be a constant relationship between x and y. When x doubles or triples, then y would also double or triple. The line on the graph would be linear and consistent. It must always pass through the origin.
We haven't got to inverse yet, but I did make a prediction to what it is. I believe it's when x is doubled, then y is halved.

My thoughts: Our class discussion actually helped me a ton and my teacher was able to help us with bits and pieces. I also participated a lot more than I expected and asked some questions. To be honest, I'm not really a risk taker. I find it very hard because I'm afraid that I won't get the answer right and people will laugh at me. I'm just really happy and proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone and being able to be involved in the class discussion.

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