Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Re-upload: Rod & Hexnut labs

To start off, my name is Jennifer Yoo and welcome to my blog! There will much more to come, so check daily! This is my first time actually writing a blog, so it might not be great, but I'll try my best to improve over the course of the year. During the first few weeks of school, we did multiple labs with our groups. After finishing all the labs, we had class discussions and explained what our equation was, what went wrong, and what type of graph we had.

For the rod lab, our group measured different size rods and the mass of each one on a triple beam balance scale. The question we were given was, "How does the length of a rod affect its mass?" The hypothesis we created was that as the length of a rod increased, the mass would also increase. Our group thought that this graph was linear because the slope was consistent and had a direct relationship. We did try other graphs such as polynomial and quadratic, but the line didn't fit as well as linear. I think we did have some miscalculations because our y-intercept should have started at 0 not 0.1522, since there's no rod to begin with.
In conclusion, as the length of a rod increases, the mass also increases. 
The next lab we did was the Hex Nut lab. We were given multiple Petri dishes that held different amounts of hex nuts in them. We then measured them on a triple beam balance scale. The question our group was asked was, "How does the number of hex nuts affect the mass of the container?" Our prediction was that as the number of hex nuts increased, the mass would also increase. We decided that this graph was linear because the line was going in a upward direction consistently. Our class discussed that for every hex nut added, the mass of the Petri dish increased by 7. 16.59 alone was the mass of the Petri dish.
In all, as the number of hex nuts increase, the mass would also increase.
My thoughts: I feel like these labs and class discussions help a little bit, but not too much. I'm still a little confused with Physics and the how the whole process works. It's probably because I'm not adjusted to the class yet. I also hope to do well because I'm having a hard time understanding some of the concepts. I think my group and I cooperate well together. Lastly, I hope to learn and understand more as the year advances.

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