Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Unit 2 Worksheet

Hey guys! We just recently did a worksheet in class this week and I wanted to share it with you all. I really don't have much to say because the answers are provided on the worksheet. Ask me any questions if you don't understand it!

Part 1
Part 2


  1. Hey Jennifer! (Do you want me to call you Jennifer or Jen? I hear both ways so I am not sure.) How is your Sunday? Anyway, I just read your blog and I think you did a nice job. I like how you also post pictures, so it is easier for the reader to visualize. I also like the lengths of your posts- there are some blogs that literally make my eyes hurt from all of the words! Therefore, I appreciate that you keep it short and simple. Well, I think this is it! I look forward to your future posts. ~Kel :)

  2. Cyclist B is not the same the slope is steeper
