Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Re-upload: Our so called, "fiesta"

Hey guys! Apparently this my third post... To be honest, I'm not sure what we did in Physics class over this past week... I remember like a thing or two, but that's it. The only thing that sticks out to me right now (I'm extremely tired) is that we took an assessment, or our so called, "fiesta". I didn't score very well, but I mean, at least we get multiple chances to re-take the test, so we can raise our grade up. I guess I'll be okay, I think... At the end of the day though, it really depends on how much effort you put into your work and whether or not you understand the concept.

 Our "fiesta"

It may look like I did good on it, since there's not many marks, but if you look on the top left-hand corner, my teacher graded us from 1-3. 3 being the highest and 1 being the lowest. Well technically 0 is, but I mean that's if you literally didn't put anything down on your paper. 5,6,7,8 and 9 are the standards or concepts we needed to know for our "fiesta".


I did well on identifying the dependent (y) and independent (x) variables and graphing the data. I would've gotten the mathematical model right if only I used different variables. I totally forgot that the teacher said we couldn't use the x and y variables. Oops! Well either way I also forgot that we had to label which varibale stood for which. I screwed up on the last question, well not completely I guess. The coefficient is wrong, the y-intercept wasn't labeled at all, and my "for every" statement is incorrect also. I did get what type of relation the graph was and whether it increased or decreased correct. I think I'll do better on my next "fiesta" if I prepare a bit more and if I get more time in class to complete it. Yeah... We took this towards the end of the class period, so I started rushing on it. It was so nerve racking.

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